Markus Wiemker

Game Design & Game Studies

TV Interview: Loot Boxes

I was interviewed about loot boxes for the news show “Westpol”, WDR TV last Sunday, maybe someone is interested (last […]

Tommi Award 2nd Place for Tonis Escape

Dem Hacker auf der Spur (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) –

ITRA 2023

I had the chance to give a speech at the SRONG museum about the Interconnection between Toys & (Digital) Games.

Series of Guest Lectures 2023

PRESSEMITTEILUNGKöln, 28. März 2023 Hochschule Fresenius veranstaltet Ringvorlesung „Trends im Game Marketing & Producing“ in Köln Die Media School der […]

Game: Wo ist Goldi?

We are nominated for the Games Beyond Entertainment Award @ the DEP 2022 and won several prizes already… 😉